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Friday, July 27, 2012

♥ Blogging "Start-Over"

It's been almost more than a year that this blog page had been left aside & YEAH as you can see I'm back again. A year seem just exactly like a blink of an eye.. Through out those year there's UPs ad DOWNs, graduated from HIGH SCHOOL, part-time JOBs, finish from National Service and so on..

Just noticed that most of my story was about my personal love life.. Well, not sure weather I should continue using this blog page or not. Maybe I'll create another new blog page for a new thoughts and life.

In here are old stuff now.. so... I guess this is it. Bye blog! :)

REINIE™ the Little Cowie
3:59:00 PM

Sunday, March 20, 2011

♥ 30months Anniversary

It's the 20th of the month again and every month, this day would be a special day for us. Today is the 911 days that we've been together since last September of 2008. 2 years 6 months have past and it's the year of 2011 already. Recall back all those happy memorize are wonderful.

Just A Little Message for You Baby:

"It's feel so wonderful to know you but it feel so amazing that I could have you in my life. You may be far away from me and busy to success your life, even so, I know you can make it. It really feels so great that you could be part of my life till today.. Love you so much in my heart no matter what happen between us.. :) Happy 30th Anniversary Baby! I love you!♥ "

REINIE™ the Little Cowie
6:19:00 PM

Saturday, March 19, 2011

♥ Knowledge and Insanity Night

Yesterday E.excel is launching a new product named E-Sweet. It was fantastic! A great replacement of cane sugar and most of the ordinary sugar we use in daily life. After the introduction and all of the knowledge from the launching, we had a little try out with the new product. There were mushroom porridge & vege porridge. I eat 3 cups of it.. hahas

Ate some cakes for the people who had their birthday on March, yum-yum ^^
We leave the place around 9.40pm and went to Ipoh Town @ Jalan Song because one of our friend doesn't felt full with the porridge.

I ordered Warm Lemon Honey and the rest ordered Ribena Longan, Milo Special Shack, Nasi Lemak & Black Current, Roti Paranta & Kaya Toast. There were 5 of us only, so yea...

I was being teased that night but it was kinda hilarious with their jokes. I was drinking my drink and daydreaming for my baby to call me and I didn't know that i was looking at the Kaya Toast which was in front of me.

Suddenly I was being said as I wanted to eat the toast but was being in a diet so I was controlling myself by bitting the stroll while looking at the toast as I'm telling myself: "no i'm not hungry, i can't eat that, must-not-eat!" ._. GOSH! Hilarious moment, can't believe I was being thought like that in people mind :( oh well it's just for fun anyway,

All of them are baby friends, get to know new friend tho.

So that was Last Night. Okay for today, there wasn't any much happening. Mum and Dad already back to KK from the Philippines at this moment and will be arriving back home in Kuching around 11++pm.

I'll be doing my exam revision after this. Chao~ :)

REINIE™ the Little Cowie
6:28:00 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2011

♥ 4 days Enjoyment

13th March was the moment I've been waiting for more than a month because that's the day Calais is coming back.. But he'll be staying here just for 4 days :(

There's not a day I'm not by his side although I know he come back to build up his career. He had a Home Coming Party during the evening of his arrival day, called some close friends around and join the celebration and also learn some knowledge of his career :D

I gave him our own couple t-shirt, which was drawn by me :) quiet satisfied for what he say to me ♥ ><

The 2nd day was the day i'm seeing him as a business man. he's awesome.. although i know that he need to make more friends without considering it's a male or female, sometimes i do get jealous especially towards female :(

But i know it's just for business, I don't mind for that cause I know what position am I in his heart.

The 3rd day was the Greatest Memories with him. Just in one night, it's remarkable.
It was the day of his grandma birthday as i eat dinner at his house :)
I wasn't really feeling good.. so he send me home before he went out with he's friends again. During the journey in his car, it was the moment i can't control my feelings. I knew the next day was the day he's leaving.. But I was touched by what he told me ♥ ♥ around 10.30pm, my memorable night started.

It's the 4th day and we had breakfast early in the morning. We waited for friends, went to the bank and the office of e.excel. After some paper work, he went back to his house and take his luggage for his flight.


It was the saddest moment of my life, seeing my love one going back again, time flies.
I helped him to CHECK-IN for his flight, after that we went for lunch at McD :D
Took some pictures as a memorable day with his friends and me..

The flight to KK was calling up already as 20 more minutes to his flight. I watch him as he went inside, at this moment i felt so sad..

I quickly went to see him go for his flight gate. He's friends and I were watching him there. He called up to his friend on the phone while I'm seeing him all the way there.
All I know is my tears roll over my cheek. I couldn't stand it watching him go, I only watch him about 10mins and i went away to the washroom. It hurts so badly.. Till today I can feel it.....

I'm going to miss him so much. I cried so badly after i went home.. the only thing i got was he's smell at my pillow :,(

"Baby, I love you so much. I can't stand it when you leave me but I know it's for you're best of your life. I believe you can achieve it, I'll wait for you next year again.. It doesn't hurt to wait that long right? I'll miss you every moment of my life baby.."

Our Last Picture of The Day: 16March2011

I L.O.V.E you baby

REINIE™ the Little Cowie
12:11:00 PM

Friday, December 3, 2010

♥ The Last Month for 2010

It's the 3rd day of December and also an off day for me. I got my pay day yesterday but not quiet much cause I started out late for last month just because of school holiday stared out late.

3 weeks more till Christmas week! Can't wait for the day to come.. I'll spend my xmas with my Love ones this year. Last year I spend it with my family at Singapore. Calais is going to Sabah before just before Christmas Eve :( But I'm going to have an advance celebration with him <3

Tomorrow I'm going back to work again.. Hmm.. There are new stock for the shop too.

Few days ago I saw one of my old classmate, she used to be my good friend when we're in primary school. We chat along while waiting for her mum to fetch her up..

This few days was tiering, bored and moody :S

But lucky today I got my mood back. Oh well, more stories to be continue as life goes on... Chao~

Sentence of the day: Bby, I'm sorry..... :(

REINIE™ the Little Cowie
7:05:00 PM

Friday, November 12, 2010

♥ Promoter

Calais introduce me to this promoter job and it's promoting for ASTRO. Yes, the M'sian television network. I'm also going to work at my old place, ZaHara, which is located at crown square, but double rate would be better and also I only need to work few days as a promoter with a good rate of income. So YEAH! Why not?

Since there is only 1 week left for school and I don't want to spend my holidays doing nothing. So earning something for myself would be much more better.

I'm in need of money too for my Christmas planning. What's my planning? That is spending my last Christmas time together with my "SPECIAL SOMEONE". I can't get to see him next year onwards because he'll be heading to other places which is not in Kuching, Sarawak :(

Sharon (the astro promoter job assistant) ask me to go over her office which is opposite of Chung Hua Middle School No.1 and register myself over there. I've ask Sophia and Donna to join the job since they need 12 girls to promote their product. Karla haven't yet reply me so I'm not sure weather she is in together with us..

Tomorrow I'll be also going to play badminton with Calais and his friends at Stapok Badminton Hall. Wanted to have a hair cut too but not sure what should I do with my hair..

I guess that's all for today. CCCCCCCHHHHAAAAOOOOOO~

REINIE™ the Little Cowie
6:18:00 PM

♥ 31.10.2010 Halloween Party

The actual post was suppose to be on the 1st November but basically I was just too lazy to post it up. So here it is..

Halloween was just around the corner and I went out to search for Halloween stuff in Kuching. Without luck I found nothing. I rather give up so I start to find some tips on makeup for halloween and yea I manage to get some inspiration.

Karla, Sophia and my baby came to my house for the costume preparations and we started out around 1.30pm. I create a fake skin for them since there are no LATEX in Kuching. All we use are just tissues, PVA Glu, foundation, paints and fake blood. Sophia is the only one who don't put costume on. It took about 3 and a half hours to finish 2 zombies and I'm last to do my own costume.

So finally when we're at crown square, people were looking at us like "Man, I really wish to get a gun and shoot those nasty creatures right now!" hahaha.. XD

The scratches and bruises really did scare off some people. We attend all the events, such as Best Costume Contest, Candy Pyramid Contest and Freeze Dance. There were live band performing on stage and had buffet for dinner.

Now this are the pictures that could carry on my story:

top picture was Karla hand and the bottom belongs to Calais one's

the other living dead that we meet up at the party

Creepy Zombie playing with my broomstick!

Zombie Rocker, Karla. Love her hair! :D

Sophia being in the candy pyramid contest..

We joined too and I got into the final round. But sadly I was nervous and the pyramid was ruin :(

The winner for best costume contest... unexpected.. >=(

This zombie drive us home with his driving 'SKILL', what a DAY! it's so freaking hilarious and crazy :P

Finale picture of the day! Where living dead come to life :)

so that's what happen during Halloween night. I was so full with the buffet in my stomach and had a bad time in the wash room. Hahaha!

REINIE™ the Little Cowie
3:39:00 PM

♥ ReinieRave™ ♥ ;

      ♥ iloveyou<3 ♥ Reiniex3loveCalais ♥

      Helo EarthLings! This is:

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      Reinie :)

      Started Blogging:
      20th FEB 2010

      ♥ iloveyou<3 ♥ Reiniex3loveCalais ♥

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      This is a blog made out for FUN and you are kindly welcomed to fill your little words out on the Cbox. If you doesn't like my blog i'm sorry for that but please don not screw up my lovely page. T^T

      Tha-nk Kiu

      ♥ iloveyou<3 ♥ Reiniex3loveCalais ♥

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      ♥ iloveyou<3 ♥ Reiniex3loveCalais ♥

      ♥ The Days That Reinie Were InLove ♥

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Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥Reinie Memories♥